How do I get paperwork for a show or travel?
We strongly recommend monitoring your coggins date to make sure it is current for all shows, events or travel. Please let the office know as soon as there is a conflict so that you can schedule an appointment. Coggins test results are available 4 business days after arriving at the lab. A last-minute coggins can be drawn (schedule permitting) with results available in 2 business days for an extra fee. Regular health certificates are valid for 30 days from the date of a veterinarian exam. 6-month health certificates are available, and owners are responsible for monitoring temperatures and travel plans. Your health program alone does not fulfill a veterinarian exam required for the health certificate paperwork. Proof of vaccination is available via email. Please note that corrections for incorrect coggins information can be submitted within 30 days and only for horse information. If any other information needs to be corrected or it has been longer than 30 days since the sample was drawn, a new sample will need to be submitted.